EF 230 Spring, 2014 Feedback

Current date:Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:45:32
Start date:Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:00:00
100% credit date:Sun May 4, 2014 23:59:59
Current grade:

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Please take a few minutes and give us feedback on the class. Your constructive comments are invaluable to us in helping improve the class each semester. You will receive extra credit for completing this form. Thanks.


Rate the overall quality of the EF 230 class.
15%(17/115)Very good (1)
52%(60/115)Good (2)
23%(27/115)Average (3)
10%(11/115)Marginal (4)
0%(0/115)Poor (5)
0%(0/115)N/A (0)
Avg: 2.28, NZAvg: 2.28, sum=262, cnt=115, nzcnt=115

General comments/suggestions about this class.
211. For a two hour class, the workload was extremely heavy.
212. This class was a great way to learn a decent amount about basic programming and problem solving.
214. I like the set-up of the class; I think it was the best way of working with MATLAB by going through the lab and examples then working on homework when there was time at the end.
215. I learned some really useful info
216. More class examples, more working examples on your own.
217. I thought it was hard some weeks, but it was good overall.
218. I think I struggle with MATLAB, because I have never really had that much interest in computer coding. I think the class incorporated some cool features of MATLAB that I never thought a computer could do. I cannot imagine what other crazy things this program can do considering we have just scraped the surface.
219. Was really helpful in learning MATLAB. Will be useful later on.
222. The labs and projects synced up fairly well. But there were definitely skills necessary for the projects that were not covered in labs, or needed some special attention that was not explained.
223. Overall, this was probably one of the most useful general engineering courses that I have taken so far due to the fact that the majority of our engineering related "technical" work/computations in our career will be computational. Even if I do not ever end up using matlab again (not likely), I will at least have an introduction to solving problems using computational programming.
224. At times this class takes an exorbitant amount of time, and at other points takes little time. If the workload, specifically projects, could be more spread out so that the amount of work were more even, that would be beneficial. Other than that, generally what is covered is a fair amount.
225. Much easier than CS102.
226. It's been a blast.
227. I personally hate how this and 105 class is set up. Its hard for me to follow what the TAs are doing and the labs seems to not give enough info to help me with the homework. How am I suppose to know how to do some of the code if you guys never even talk about it or put it on the labs??
228. Cut back on the project maybe. I thought that the projects were good, but with the amount of them and the difficulty, along with the homeworks for the class, they took up a lot of time for just this class. Also I thought Zyante was rather helpful, it helped me to understand why certain things were used in MATLAB, rather than just using them cause I saw the TA's do it.
229. The course as a whole was quite difficult and time consuming. I don't feel that adequate time was allotted to develop the depth of skill expected for much of the work in this course. Personally, I felt that Zyante was a great waste of time. It would have been better to have used that time to practice in the actual matlab program rather than reading or inputting into the Zyante program.
230. I heard that this class was very difficult, and yet it is, however the TA's taught the material very well and helped me learn.
232. Possibly cover less material and ensure students are learning the material instead of just getting a grade.
233. Lots of work, but they help you a lot.
234. This class seems to be improving a lot, compared to when some of my friends took it a few years ago. TA's still could improve with explaining how to think through writing code.
236. First, this class needs to be AT LEAST 3 credit hours. I have put in more than 2 hours worth of work, and more than some of my other 3 hour engineering classes. Maybe think about making it two semesters. The complexity of some of the information is hard to grasp in a semester, especially with limited TAs and limited one-on-one time.
237. n/a
238. The project work takes up so much time and the multiple choice in the tests aren't super important.
239. It is poorly set up even for a programming class. I have had people look over the class that taught similar classes at other colleges and they were very taken aback at how it was set up and agreed it was not the best set up.
240. Projects were tough but manageable with time. Also, the homeworks were set up well and helpful for exams.
241. Its kind of hard to comprehend and type at the same time.
243. This class is good and I learned a lot, BUT THIS IS NOT A 2 HOUR CLASS. Apparently you guys hear this every year, but I am strongly suggesting you start listening. I learned a ton, but I spent entirely way too much time on the 4 projects we were assigned. 4 projects? I put in twice the work in this course that I would put in a 5 hour lab easy. Don't get me wrong, this class has great teachers and great content, BUT please just actually listen to your students. Let them have a voice and significantly the projects. Change that and you'll get perfect scores, and students that are happy to learn, not aggravated and frustrated.
245. The material is hard to understand when it is gone over so fast during class.
246. This class is very informative. Too informative. There is just way too much stuff covered by a 2 hour class. I spend more time on this class a week than any other class I ever have. I know it is important to cover all this material, but this should definitely be at least a 3 hour class.
248. Requires more out of class work than should be applicable for a 2 credit hour class.
249. It was a good introduction to a coding language. I feel much more confident about coding than I did in the fall.
250. The number of credit hours earned does not match the amount of effort required by the classwork. I spend a similar amount of time on my two honors 4 credit hour classes as on this one.
252. The class was very good and taught very well.
253. I struggle with MATLAB ever since the EF 105 class, but the TAs (Myles and Jake) that I had this semester were excellent (much better than the EF 105 TAs). It wasn't easy for me to learn, but they tried their hardest to help explain things to me and everyone else in the class.
254. Just take more time to go over certain topics rather than just zooming threw them.
255. My second time in this class was a much more pleasant experience. I actually learned this time because i had a much better TA.
256. I think the class as a whole runs smoothly. I wish the projects were a bit simpler. However, The help sessions were great and there was no excuse for not completing them. I would also recommend some type of review sessions before the test.
257. Pretty difficult if you're not into coding.
258. I enjoyed the class. A lot of people complain about the time required to complete the projects...maybe they should change their major.
259. Very easy to understand the concepts and the TAs did an excellent job of teaching.
260. I didn't really see a point to this class when I first got in it, and I still don't see a huge use for it, but I understand why we had to take the class.
262. I suggest that all exams should be in the short answer format, instead of having a portion where code is turned in. It makes the exam completeable during the time table and still shows how well a student can code.
263. Kinda feels like we rushed through some things and then had time to spare with others. I would of like to be able to have more classroom time to go over the most important things.
264. felt like we were rushed at times
267. I think it was an awful lot of work for a two hour class. We are in class for the same amount of time and have more projects than a 2 hour class would require. Make it a 3 hour or lose some of the projects.
268. Explanations could be better. Going into detail similar to homework and exams would be smart.
269. Felt like the class was very helpful in teaching us the basics and usefulness of matlab. I do feel that projects 2 and 3 were too difficult however and required way too much work, especially for students with other hard classes
270. The one issue I had was the fact that I spent more time on this class than on any other of my classes because of the projects, while I feel like less time should be spent on this course considering it is a two hour course and most of my others are three hours and one four hour.
271. This class is a little rough if you aren't paying attention but is overall a well planned class.
272. EF 230 is a very interesting class that teaches young engineers how to make problem solving more efficient and easier. I feel as if a textbook should be required for this class or a more detailed side document in our instructors words. Many of us really enjoy the GA's teaching style but it is often taught based off of there extensive prior knowledge. The fault comes in is when we don't easy access to them (at home) and we google things, its kind of foreign due to it not being the teaching style we are used to. Solid class, just a bit more detail in my opinion.
273. Requires way too much outside work for a two hour class. Spent more time on projects/homework in this than my 4 hour credit class.
275. Took a very long time to get our first test graded and back. Also, the workbook at the beginning of the class was not helpful. Also, too much work for a 2 hour credit class. Three projects is plenty for the class. The final project is not needed. Also, three tests including the final is perfect.
276. more in-depth explanations of matlab functions and syntax and alternate uses for functions
277. Projects were HARD, very time consuming
278. Well structured class. Would have liked a more in depth introduction to MATLAB, being a student who had never used it before.
279. Large amount of work for a 2 hour credit course. I learned a hell of alot about matlab though. Cool projects and challenging.
280. Nupe.
281. Good class.
282. This class was mostly a nightmare, certainly my least favorite class in 6 semesters at UT. At its worst, this class seriously had me contemplating not only dropping out of engineering but college all together. I felt like I was a first grader being asked to do Calculus III level work when it came to projects. Homeworks were more reasonable in their expectations and applying lessons from class. I have ended up gaining some working knowledge of Matlab by the end of this course, but it took the essential tutoring of a computer science major friend of mine to gain this and to stand any hope of completing the projects.
284. it was a good class for learning how computer coding works
285. Class was pretty tough but overall good. The first test was pretty hard, but I think that was understood by everyone afterwards. The second test was a very good test I believe. Projects were pretty tough, but doable.
286. This class was influential in learning essential MATLAB skills. I really learned a lot however I felt like the classes and review sessions were too large. When I needed help it took at least 10 minutes to be helped, which is not bad but more individual attention would be better for this class. After all, it's not manual labor, its just figuring out code and syntax.
287. All of the projects relied on how much the TA's helped. The first test was way too hard.
289. I was not a big fan of zyante. Especially the frequency with which their answers would have misspellings which made it nearly impossible to get the correct answer without checking.
290. Zyante was ok, but not the most beneficial. Lectures were pretty good, Matt and Miles did a good job teaching the content and answering questions. The projects were a really tough if you couldn't make it to the help sessions.
291. Its as good as it is going to get for a computer coding class. There isn't much more you guys can do as far as teaching, because it is a subject that you have to practice. So overall no suggestions.
292. The tests are pretty hard, and I think that we should have been allowed to use our notes for the multiple choice.
294. fair difficulty/ work load
296. Ask for you money back on the zyante software.
297. I really enjoyed this class.
298. I felt the first project was very useful. I was able to complete the first project without help. It took me along time to complete the project, but upon completion I felt like I had learned a lot.
The second and third projects were not as effective in my mind. I was unable to accomplish much without attending multiple help sessions. I felt the projects were not effective at building my programing skills. I would suggest making the projects smaller and having more of them. This would allow programming skills to build through more of a progression.
I had no programming experience before this class, so that could be a major reason as to why I struggled with projects 2 and 3.
299. I think that if a professor was more involved, possibly attended one class a week for a half hour or so the class would be a bit less confusing. Not that the TA's do a bad job, but they obviously are do not have the pedigree of a professor. It would be more helpful and the class would definitelty improve with another set of experienced eyes watching over it. At times it was confusing. Could've used more Zyante.
300. Great class. Some classes that don't have a lot of material feel like slightly useless.
301. All of the labs were pretty helpful, but the Zyante assignments were a little weird to do. They also didn't seem as helpful as the instructors would have been on the same topics.
302. The TA's could have presented the material more clearly, but basically learning code is up to the student. It would have been super helpful for Professor Schleter to have presented the concept of functions in the beginning because basically everything was built on top of that, and maybe he could have presented the more complicated concepts. It's way easier to follow him than any of the TA's. I understand though that this might not be feasible.
303. I liked how we got to work on the 3rd project in class by outlining it in a series of steps. I think that the 2nd project should have been like that also, so the students could have gotten a better understanding of how to approach the project.
305. I think the labs are set up well for you to learn the program.
306. The projects were difficult but there was good help and the ta's could help with issues.
309. I don't like how the projects are graded. I got counted of for not putting a title and time on my graph for the third project and that was not included in the project guidelines. Something similar happened on the plotting project, too.
310. I have a much better understanding of Matlab now.
311. This class is only two credit hours but it requires way more time to do the homework and projects. Everything we do in this class is time consuming and the lectures are pretty vague. Even though the TA's are willing to help with whatever we need, this class is hard to manage alone.
312. The projects are always daunting to me.
313. This could probably be made into an online class it seems. The video lecture format would work better, with discussion boards for questions
314. I enjoyed the class and definitely felt I learnt more about MATLAB than in EF150.
315. The class was very unorganized and the workload was a lot more than a two hour class should should have.
316. It was a lot of work for 2 credits, but it did greatly expand my understanding of Matlab.
318. Very good at introducing some finer points of matlab.
319. The rhetoric is really difficult to understand. This class is a class about matlab, but every session touches on many different conceptual topics. This obviously cannot be helped, but the fact is students will be trying to learn what the concept is as well as learning the code at the same time. Its a cumbersome juggle of information and there's no easy way to go about learning it if you don't already have a good grasp of the fundamental concept.
320. A lot of material to cover. The work load is not a 2 credit hour class.
321. It should not be a 2 hour class- It's way too involved and waaay too much work for 2 credit hours. Also, a textbook with step by step examples and explanations would have been nice. It's hard to rely on class examples when there are so many different ways to use commands and everyone has personal preference.
322. I wish the beginning of the class was sped up a bit while more time was spent focusing on the later ideas such as image and sound ussage.
323. cut out zyante
324. Can be improved in the area of communicating the information.
325. The class overall gave me mixed feelings. Some aspects were awesome while others made me dread the class. The class itself was very inconsistent in the time that it desired from you, so this cause some weeks to be particularly more trouble some than the should have been for a 2 hour class. Some of the projects ended up taking 15-20 hours to do, and it would have been nice to know this during midterms so I could have planned accordingly. After the first time or two you learn, but still was a big wake up call.

On the other hand, the TA's were great and were always available for help when needed.

Matt Price

Rate the overall quality of your interaction with Matt Price.
If you didn't have any interaction with this person, use N/A.
40%(46/115)Very good (1)
26%(30/115)Good (2)
6%(7/115)Average (3)
0%(0/115)Marginal (4)
0%(0/115)Poor (5)
28%(32/115)N/A (0)
Avg: 1.10, NZAvg: 1.53, sum=127, cnt=115, nzcnt=83

Rate the quality of Matt Price's presentation and explanation of the material.
If this person never presented for your class, use N/A.
31%(36/115)Very good (1)
27%(31/115)Good (2)
1%(1/115)Average (3)
0%(0/115)Marginal (4)
0%(0/115)Poor (5)
41%(47/115)N/A (0)
Avg: 0.88, NZAvg: 1.49, sum=101, cnt=115, nzcnt=68

Specific comments/suggestions about Matt Price
215. He was aware of the material presented and although he isn't my T.A. he was very helpful at help sessions
218. He was always very helpful and enthusiastic during the help sessions. I like the way he explains things also.
221. Matt was very helpful during project sessions and although I did not have him as a TA for my class, he seemed to know the subject material very well and was able to convey it in a very helpful manner.
222. Matt had a tendency to use code that we had not covered and/or was not the most effecient means of performing the task.
228. He wasn't one of the TA's for my section but he did help me in one of the help sessions for our project and he was very helpful and explained the solution to my problem very well.
232. Very Helpful!
233. Good
236. I went to a help session for project 2 and I sat there with my hand up for an hour (before finally leaving) because he was the TA for that session and was only helping people in his section (not paying attention to the order of people with questions). He was able to help me during a help session for project 3 and was very helpful then.
241. N/A
244. I didn't have him in my lab but he helped me greatly in many a help sesh. Great guy and great T.A.
249. I only talked to him about code once. He pushed me in the right direction (Sort of).
250. Very personable and constructive in his criticism.
253. N/A
262. Matt does a great job explaining to students how to code during projects. He actually cares if the students learn and is very dedicated, he's willing to stay extra time as well.
263. Really tries to help out whenever he can.
264. He was very good at making sure you knew what to do.
267. Matt was very helpful in lecture and in help sessions.
270. Seems to know what he's doing but also not as knowledgeable as Jake on the subject (understandable).
272. Matt has a unorthodox problem solving style that is interesting to hear to get an alternative explanation or understanding when learning code.
273. Great TA and great guy. Excellent at explaining material and offers great help.
274. Always willing to help. Pretty nice guy. Good job overall.
275. Matt was very helpful at explaining how matlab code works. Cares about how the students do in the class.
282. Very knowledgeable and overly willing to help. Matt was great with offering detailed, clear explanations and guidance when asked. Overall, as good a TA for this course as one could hope for.
283. Good answers and presentations.
285. Matt was great and very helpful.
286. Good guy, really seemed like he cared and wanted to see us do well. Always willing to help out.
287. Very helpful
288. Matt is an excellent teacher. He was always willing to help.
289. His enthusiasm helps make the class engaging. He also does an excellent job explaining the material.
290. Did a great job lecturing and teaching the material.
292. Matt's really nice.

Although he doesn't know how to spell the word "initial." He always spells it "inital" and that really bothers me.

But he's really helpful and knowledgeable!
297. He's a good teacher. He gives good explanations.
299. Matt was very helpful and very personable, and his experience with matlab was above average.
302. He was always ready to help give direction when working on projects. Might be more helpful if he was more specific, but I understand that he's not just going to write people's code for them.
312. He seemed like he really wanted us to learn this. He'd tell us to pay attention to specific parts that he knew we'd need to know later. He's a real nice guy.
316. Matt was very helpful, and I enjoyed having him as my TA. He also went out of his way to meet outside of class for project help.
319. Guy loves matlab. Delivery of information could use work.
320. Knew what he was doing and was very helpful
321. Matt is extremely helpful in and out of class and is always ready to answer questions. His explanations sometimes can be a little unclear.
323. really nice guy
325. Matt is really cool and was always helpful. His " bedside manner" I guess was a little bit better the the other TA's. So even after not having done it before he did well and helped me out more than he knows.

I owe a beer.

Jake Brisby

Rate the overall quality of your interaction with Jake Brisby.
If you didn't have any interaction with this person, use N/A.
46%(53/115)Very good (1)
39%(45/115)Good (2)
6%(7/115)Average (3)
1%(1/115)Marginal (4)
0%(0/115)Poor (5)
8%(9/115)N/A (0)
Avg: 1.46, NZAvg: 1.58, sum=168, cnt=115, nzcnt=106

Rate the quality of Jake Brisby's presentation and explanation of the material.
If this person never presented for your class, use N/A.
49%(56/115)Very good (1)
30%(35/115)Good (2)
7%(8/115)Average (3)
1%(1/115)Marginal (4)
0%(0/115)Poor (5)
13%(15/115)N/A (0)
Avg: 1.34, NZAvg: 1.54, sum=154, cnt=115, nzcnt=100

Specific comments/suggestions about Jake Brisby
215. Always willing to help me out when I had trouble
218. He is always nice and helpful. He is also good at answering questions and looking at code to find mistakes.
220. Super helpful and nice
228. Jake was kind of the "run the computer TA" for our section, but when he did interject he was pretty good at breaking things down and explaining concepts.
232. Good.
233. He is very helpful.
234. He's forgotten what it's like to be an undergraduate student, especially a sophomore.
236. Didn't do much teaching, mostly did the computer work during class. But he was very helpful one on one.
243. He's the man. Very smart. Helped me with any problem I had and explained it well.
244. Great dude, engineer, and T.A. Very, very helpful even though we complained and bugged him ha.
245. Good attitude
246. Very informative in his instructions.
247. Thanks you all your input throughout the semester
248. Good class presentation
249. The TA of my lab section. Explained topics very well, easy to understand.
253. Jake is very nice, helpful, and funny. He was always willing to help.
Very nice guy.
255. Jake did a good job presenting the material. He was also very helpful with his explanations.
256. Very helpful, handles the stress of a hands on class well
258. Great TA.
262. He is much better of a lecturer than a tutor for the specific projects.
263. Very smart and worked hard to try to dumb things down for us.
267. Jake was very helpful in teaching and helping me.
269. Great TA and very willing to help
270. Knows what he's doing.
272. Jake is like the Master Yoda of the EF230 crew. Nothing he does not know there is.
274. Great TA. Probably the most help I've ever had from a TA in any course. Needs a raise.
275. Jake was also very helpful at explaining how matlab code works. Cares about how the students do in the class.
282. Also super knowledgeable and helpful. He was great in class with explanations and made things as clear as they could be.
283. Seemed very knowledgeable in the help sessions.
285. Helped me with projects and was really good.
286. Very good presenter but he was very relaxed and almost did not seem to care to help the students at some points.
287. Very helpful
288. Jake is really good at explaining things.
292. Jake's really nice.
299. My only interaction with Jake was in a review session for exam 2, but he did a good job in that session.
302. He was always helpful and willing to give advice for projects.
312. He popped in and out of our section a few times, and he always had such good tips to give out.
316. Jake was also very helpful and always got back to me on emails quickly.
319. Knows his stuff and knows how to get it across to us.
320. Knew what he was doing and was very helpful.
321. Jake obviously know what he is doing, but assumes the rest of us do too. He can be slightly condescending and almost sarcastic when answering questions he believes you should know the answer to.
323. very good helper
325. While I didn't interact with him as much, you knew he knew his shit. He wasn't as out going as Matt, but was still really cool and was who you went to with the particular tricky problems. He rarely got stumped.

Myles Smith

Rate the overall quality of your interaction with Myles Smith.
If you didn't have any interaction with this person, use N/A.
49%(56/115)Very good (1)
29%(33/115)Good (2)
4%(5/115)Average (3)
0%(0/115)Marginal (4)
0%(0/115)Poor (5)
18%(21/115)N/A (0)
Avg: 1.19, NZAvg: 1.46, sum=137, cnt=115, nzcnt=94

Rate the quality of Myles Smith's presentation and explanation of the material.
If this person never presented for your class, use N/A.
50%(57/115)Very good (1)
22%(25/115)Good (2)
6%(7/115)Average (3)
0%(0/115)Marginal (4)
0%(0/115)Poor (5)
23%(26/115)N/A (0)
Avg: 1.11, NZAvg: 1.44, sum=128, cnt=115, nzcnt=89

Specific comments/suggestions about Myles Smith
215. Always willing to help me out when I had trouble
220. Super helpful and nice
225. He is wearing the same shirt in class today (4/22) as he was in that picture.
228. Myles was the main presenter for our section, over all I would say that he did a very good job. The only suggestion that I would have is that sometimes, on the more difficult concepts of MATLAB, he would just kind of speed through them and not really go in depth in explaining them. However, I do realize that there was a time constraint for the class, so that also could have had something to do with it.
232. N/A
233. He is also very helpful.
236. Very helpful one on one. Not that good at explaining things when teaching to the class, but explains things better one on one.
243. Myles is great as well. He always had a firm understanding of the material, and could always help if any questions were asked.
244. Pretty much identical to what I said about Jake. He is a great dude and deserves the best evaluation I can give him.
245. very helpful
246. His instructions are the clearest of all the TA's and he is the most helpful.
247. Excellent presentations!
248. Very helpful
249. Better one on one, marginally more difficult to follow when he is at the board than his partner.
253. Myles was always nice, helpful, and patient. He would explain things very well and in different ways until I understood a concept.
255. Myles was easy to follow on the screen, though sometimes he would type something and then immediately switch to another window on the screen so we couldn't see what it was that he typed. Not a major problem though.
256. very good with explaining rather than simply giving the answer, handles the stress of a hands on class well
258. Great TA.
262. He is phenomenal with debugging code, quick and efficient.
263. Never met him.
270. N/A
282. N/A
283. Very knowledgeable and presented well.
285. Miles knew the material very well and was very helpful.
287. Very smart
288. Myles is really good at telling us what will work and what would be a waste of time.
289. Whether or not this is true, it felt like Myles was more knowledgeable on MATLAB than Matt; however, he did not seem like he was as good at the presentation part of teaching as Matt. This made the two of them a pretty solid teaching team, each able to pick up where the other lacked.
290. Was very good in the help sessions, and the few times he led lectures.
292. Myles is really nice.
297. He's an awesome TA!
299. Myles did a good job of writing out the matlab code and was very knowledgable about coding matlab.
302. Very helpful and ready to give advice. Maybe could have presented the material more thoroughly, but other than that excellent.
312. Myles really seemed to know his stuff too. Great TA. He helped a lot.
316. I received help from Myles at one help session, and he it was super helpful and helped me work out a lot of the little problems with my code.
319. Looks like Peter Parker.
320. Met him in help sessions. Knew what he was doing and was very helpful.
321. While he didn't present for our class, Myles was at several of the help sessions and was by far the best equipped and most willing to explain. Very helpful!
323. knows his stuff
325. Didn't have as a TA and only saw at one help session.

Rate the overall quality of the EF 230 web site.
43%(49/115)Very good (1)
40%(46/115)Good (2)
16%(18/115)Average (3)
2%(2/115)Marginal (4)
0%(0/115)Poor (5)
0%(0/115)N/A (0)
Avg: 1.77, NZAvg: 1.77, sum=203, cnt=115, nzcnt=115

General comments/suggestions on web site:
212. The website is very simple, but very useful in my opinion. It is extremely convenient because it puts everything I need for this class in one place.
214. I like it, and you should continue using it! It is very helpful and resourceful.
215. It looks so much different from the EF website I was used to
216. Spruce it up a bit, like the other websites. Also, it's hard to locate some things on it.
217. I enjoy the website quite a lot. It's nice to have all the link organized the way the ef site is.
219. very organized
220. I think the website is great!
221. I personally preferred the EF website's setup last academic year (2012-2013) but the website works just fine and is just as easy to use
223. N/A
224. The sidebar with links is quite helpful, though some of the links cause unnecessary clutter.
225. There needs to be a picture of a dragon. Also...

In the in-class examples page, including descriptions of each program might help. Including topics covered, functions used, and purpose.
227. Its easy to get to everything and find what I am looking for. The website is good.
228. None really, the website has pretty much anything you could need and it is also very user friendly.
229. The website is fairly clean and straight forward.
230. I like the way the website is organized and I can find exactly what I am looking for.
232. Somewhat confusing at points. Due dates are often mixed up.
233. Should have error signs next to the links that needs tasks to be completed soon.
235. The discussion board was not used as much as it was in the previous ef and that could be really helpful.
236. Make sure it is up to date, with the correct dates and years for assignments.
237. No improvements. Easy to navigate.
238. Cannot navigate it at all on mobile cause for some reason I couldn't scroll
240. Set up well and easy to navigate.
243. It works well, very simple and organized.
244. The website is a pretty good site for a class such as this.
245. very user friendly
246. The website is not very clear when searching for certain subjects in the lab.
247. I liked the old format
248. Learned a lot of material that will be helpful in other class.
249. This is my favorite class website I have seen at the university. If every class was updated like this one I would be less stress out.
250. The grades page seemed to have been incorrect occasionally, and the running average displayed should not include assignments that are not due yet.
253. It is hard to go back and learn things from the last few labs we have when I read through the website. It makes me feel that if you don't pay attention to every little detail in class, it is very hard to go back and completely understand the site.
255. The website was awesome.
256. very functional on all devices
257. Website is good, wouldn't change anything
258. N/A
259. The website is easy to navigate and its layout is well organized.
260. Website was fine. I did like the new menu option, it made viewing the lab so much easier.
261. i dont like the look of new site.
i do like the hide menu option though.
262. The web site functions as it should, I don't see a need to change anything.
263. well done
264. send email regarding due dates and such
267. It works fine.
268. The in class example aren't very useful compared to what you need to know.
269. I like the new tablet friendly format
270. I preferred the 105 website but I got used to this one, so it's probably just because I was used to the 105 site in the first place.
271. The website is set up very well. It's simple and easy to use and you can get to the page you need in less than 3 clicks usually.
272. If there was a little more detail maybe or explanation actually explaining what the help file is saying would be awesome. We like the way you guys teach, not the helpfile, it can be confusing at times.
273. search bar that searches entire website, not just specific locations.
275. The website is layed out nicely and explains code well.
276. enjoy the simplicity of the website. I do not personally feel like a visual overhaul would really be necessary for this type of website.
278. The website was very easy to navigate and easy to use. All in all, it worked perfectly for what was needed of it.
279. Layout is ok.
281. Like the website layout. Intuitive.
282. Website is good, easy to navigate, mobile friendly, and was a good source of help. No changes recommended.
283. At first I didn't like the change from the regular ef website but having a menu that can go away is extremely useful when you are short on screen space.
284. very well structured site
285. Website is set up very well.
286. Love the interface. Everything is well organized
287. It's kinda plain and boring
288. Let students edit the grade sheet so that they can see what grade is needed to earn a certain letter grade.
289. It got the job done.
290. Just as expected, no problems and easy to navigate.
291. I like how you guys made it more accessible from mobile devices. It really helps when I am on the run and trying to see what I need to do for the class.
292. I definitely like the new lay out.
293. Easy to navigate and use. Great site
294. simple, well organized,
295. The web site is great! Full of information and a good source.
296. Make it run better on mobile devices.
297. I like turtles
298. I had no major issues. Everything on the site was pretty self explanatory. I would not recommend any changes.
299. The website is good as always.
300. Examples are slightly more complicated than they need to be. In-class examples were much better.
301. I think it is very functional and easy to use.
302. The in-class examples and m-files sections were really useful.
303. Nothing, it is pretty streamlined, but I don't like that you have to expand the page again when you return to the page from an example.
304. I like the website, straight to the point. I kind of liked the website for the 2012-2013 year. Wasn't as plain as this one. More appealing.
305. I wish the website would be updated with more regularity.
306. The website was well laid out and made coursework easy to access.
308. Like it.
309. I wished that the labs and homeworks would have been open from the beginning.
310. It works well.
311. Everything we need to know for the homework is on the EF 230 website. Especially the in class sample problems. But I wish there were more useful information on the website for the projects. Basically, we have to learn everything on our own for the projects. They are time consuming and very difficult.
313. Very well organized, lots of the sidebar links are unnecessary, but the bar can be hidden easily and its not a big problem at all
314. The website was very well organized and proved helpful.
315. Very bland.
316. Well organized and helpful
318. Very well laid out and accessible.
319. Messy and jumbled at times in the labs. Every lab is structured in the same way. There are no "steps". If the labs taught us how to use the code step by step(instead of an intro then a full fledged problem) the information would be learned more efficiently.
320. Needs color. The website has plenty of material although some of it can be confusing.
321. easy to navigate.. could have used some further introduction to the resources at the begining of the class (m-file search, etc)
323. n/a
325. Direct and to the point usually. I know MATLAB like most computer or programming related languages have a ton of information and it can be hard to condense everything that is needed to know in a 2 hour class.

What are your thoughts on a textbook for this class?
3%(3/115)I would purchase a textbook if required (0)
11%(13/115)I would purchase a textbook if recommended (1)
86%(99/115)I don't think a textbook is needed (2)
Avg: 1.83, NZAvg: 1.88, sum=211, cnt=115, nzcnt=112

What are your thoughts on using Zyante for the first part of this class?
43%(50/115)I would recommend it (0)
32%(37/115)I would not recommend it (1)
24%(28/115)I don't think it matters either way (2)
Avg: 0.81, NZAvg: 1.43, sum=93, cnt=115, nzcnt=65

Are there any other resources that you think might be useful as a formal part of this class?
212. It would be useful to see more solutions to problems that relate directly to the projects.
214. None that I can think of.
215. N/A
216. N/A
217. None that I could think of; other than websites from Matlab on codes.
218. I think the only resource I can think of that the website does not contain would be Zyante. It helped me understand the meaning behind the code.
219. no I think the website provides enough for the class
220. No
221. I think either having a textbook or using Zyante would be a helpful way to go back and view specific examples of the topics being covered.
223. A textbook would be EXTREMELY useful, as it would allow us to have a paper-reference to use if we end up using matlab later on in life, instead of having to come back and look at the EF website.
224. None that I am aware of.
225. Nope.
227. Zyante was nice to have but for me it was hard for me to follow the book and it gave a lot of info that was not needed. I feel if the labs and the TAs gave all the info we needed I don't think we need to have a textbook.
228. Zyante or some sort of textbook to where you can go further in depth or find further explanation on a topic that you might not understand.
229. I think it would be really helpful to have exact examples of how to do homework and projects. I understand it is a conflict of interest to provide exact work but my greatest struggle in this class was often having no working concept of how to approach or complete a project or homework and having no usable example to reference. Yes, there were comparable or similar examples for assignments but nothing that I could directly follow from start to finish. Having atleast one example like this would have helped immensely. And also, it's not as if someone can just copy and paste the work, obviously, so I think having these working examples would be a great way to guide students and help those of us that are extra lost.
230. Any other website that would aid in using Matlab.
232. N/A
233. More help sessions.
234. Maybe implementing Arduino's to make the class more hands on and interesting
235. no
236. Have more of a lecture and lab type class. Just showing me what the code does is helpful, but it makes it easier if we spent more time explaining the logic and reasoning behind some of the things we learn. We need to have time for learning the code and writing/utilizing it.

For example, I know how to integrate and I know there's a MatLab command for that. Explain how the specific command works and what it is actually doing. Sometimes stepping through the program helps, but other times it doesn't. Adding more comments on some the code on the website would be helpful too.
237. n/a
238. Not really Zyante was just a distraction from actual coding.
240. N/A
241. N/A
243. Not sure what, but I wish there were better resources than matlab help and having to wait for a response on the discussion board.
244. Not really.
245. no
246. The website needs to include by more notes.
248. N/A
249. If it is possible, 2 TA's instead of one at help sessions.
253. Having the students look over the MATLAB help file when dealing with a function. Walking us through those files would help. (I always look at those files anyway, but sometimes I'm not sure about something it is sayings so having a TA walk us through important commands would be helpful).
254. Not that I can think of.
255. I thought Zyante did an awesome job.
256. help session before test
257. No.
258. N/A
260. No
261. it was helpful i guess...
262. Maybe one help session per week, even during the weeks when projects aren't being worked on. Possibly for things along the lines of homework or test prep.
263. if there was another website that explained things a little more in depth.
268. More homework help towards the end of the semester.
269. none that I can think of
270. I think more thorough notes would be a lot more helpful.
271. I think that the class should have a recommendation for a book that we could use.
272. Youtube videos if there is time?
273. More organized help sessions, not just around project due dates.
276. www.google.com
278. None that I can think of.
279. Not that I am aware off.
280. No.
281. None except above listed.
283. Allowing typed notes on test.
284. more explanation from scheleter
285. Zyante was good, but it involved too much reading for the pace that this class goes.
286. No
287. matlab for a mac
289. Not really. In high school I took a computer science class and we used a book called "A Gentle Introduction to Object Oriented Programming" with Karel J. Robot. It was a nice way to learn programming, but I don't know if there's anything like that for MATLAB.
290. Other than a textbook I can't think of anything. However, for the amount of time and depth that this course goes into on each subject I don't believe that a textbook is very necessary.
291. No, I just think the lectures and the attached .m files given to us after the lectures are good enough.
292. I really liked the Zyante, especially because it helped out my homework grade.
293. None.
294. more links to the mathworks website
296. go more in depth on explanations of topics in the lab section of this website.
297. No
298. I would have like to have had a reference text or a recommended text. I feel it would have helped. There were times where the in class examples and the math works help were confusing. A text may have been able to point me in the right direction.
299. I think Zyante should be used again, possibly more.
300. None.
301. None.
302. Nope, not that I know of.
303. No.
304. Not really.
305. I don't know of any other resources that I think would be useful.
306. The internet is usually the best resource for classes like this. I think the class did a good job in teaching us about how the use the mat lab site.
309. None that I can think of.
310. I don't know of any.
311. Make the projects easier or give more lectures on the projects. I learned basic knowledge about MATLAB but the projects were way too difficult.
313. More videos
314. No
318. Not that come to mind.
320. Nope. The resources provided are useful.
321. Good for general concepts, that's about it.
322. Just a comment on Zyante. It is very hard to actually measure how much is learned though it and it can be unnecessarily technical.
323. n/a
325. The Phet website was great for ideas if you are thinking about continuing with the same final project.

From your viewpoint, what was good about this class?
211. Plenty of resources
212. This class allowed us to apply our engineering knowledge and problem solving skills to computer programming, which is undoubtedly a useful skill to have in any engineering field today.
213. The learning of basic matlab operations and functions.
214. I learned more about MATLAB than I knew previously and I believe I can take what I learned and use it in other classes.
215. It was helpful and I can use it for other classes
216. The TAs were very helpful and they made sure you understood the data and what you were doing.
217. I liked how organized it was. I always knew when/where everything was (including tests, projects, labs, homeworks, etc.) Having the grade sheet is also nice because I can always check to see how I am doing grade-wise.
218. I liked that it showed how useful MATLAB can be for other classes in the future. I also like that you are giving us the option to choose our final exam time. That is very helpful.
219. As much as I stressed over them because of all the time spent into them, I really enjoyed the projects because they made me think about the material in an application. I had to really figure out what I was doing so it strengthened my skills in MATLAB greatly.
220. I enjoyed using Zyante because we could see exactly what was going on in the programs because they used some good animations. And although I hated doing the projects I think they were really helpful and by the end of every project I understood the material better.
221. I think the general instruction of the class was conducted very well and not much needs to be changed. The in class examples were good and I thought most of the exam material was fair and reasonable. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this class and think that it has been very well put together.
222. When we took class time to walk through the concepts of the project. Rather than hanging us out to dry, that time was invaluable to helping understand the project and the problem statement.
223. N/A - Everything generally worked well.
224. Learning how to use matlab is likely to be very useful in the future.
225. The pace was great. Nothing was rushed through.
226. I feel like I have greatly increased my skill with using matlab.
227. The website and some of the homework wasnt bad.
228. I learned a lot from doing the projects, they taught me a lot more than the homeworks and actually made me apply things that we learned in class.
229. The TA's were attentive and helpful when asked questions or in help sessions for projects.
230. I loved using Zyante to begin the class. The way the labs were set up, along with the projects, made the class good. I also liked the format of the second exam.
231. The help sessions
232. I learned basic coding and matlab.
233. Help sessions
234. Good overview of Matlab, wrote some cool programs for the projects
235. I did learn a lot about coding and computers in general.
236. The accessibility of the website and the discussion board.
237. In class examples
238. I feel like the projects are good, because it was through those that I really learned more about coding
239. no
240. The homeworks were pretty helpful. Projects were also helpful but mostly done by the TA's.
241. Zyante
242. The help sessions were good.
243. Teaching, instructors, content
244. The T.A.s were perfect. The website was well coded.
245. The TAs are helpful
246. the coding information was very helpful and I'm sure I will need it in the future.
247. I have done many projects with mat-lab and other languages such as python, FORTRAN, and C++ and I would consider myself a "seasoned programer" despite this, I still learned a ton of new tricks and functionality of mat lab, THANK YOU for the course.
248. Online homework.
249. I like the online lab format.
250. It is a clearly useful skill for engineering.
251. I enjoyed the labs, they were probably the most informative part of the class
252. The projects. I learned a lot doing them, and spending a lot of time on them.
253. I really liked the TAs. I also liked the format of the second test.It was easier for me to handle.
254. It was good getting to learn how to use matlab.
255. Getting people, such as myself, who have no previous experience coding and find it more annoying than helpful to broaden their horizons and see that with lots of hard work, coding is sometimes worth it.
256. The help sessions and homework are what maximized my learning in this class
257. It really makes more comfortable with the Matlab environment
258. I learned a lot and enjoyed the class.
259. The TA's were some of the most helpful TA's that I have ever had in a class.
260. The amount of time we spent on certain topics.
261. the amount of information provided was a lot and it was all very helpful
262. The TA's and the complex projects were what I enjoyed about this class. Removing examinations and doing more projects seems like the best testing of a student's coding ability.
263. It helps me do my matlab projects in other classes.
264. it taught me so much more about matlab
265. To learn basic coding.
266. The structure and organization is really easy to follow.
267. I feel like I've learned a lot.
268. Very little
269. The lab format and homeworks. The TA's were very helpful.
270. The flexibility and understanding of the instructors was very helpful.
271. The Ta's were great and willing to help you if you ask.
272. Learning how to quicken problem solving.
273. Became more comfortable with Matlab and can compute basic problems with Matlab.
274. Learned how to become proficient in MATLAB.
275. The projects are the most beneficial in learning how to code.
276. The hands on assignments
277. helped me understand matlab ALOT
278. I felt like the labs were well structured and laid out. I also thought having the large list of in-class examples to help show us how to do different things was extremely useful.
279. I like the ability to plot moving orbits!
280. I learned a lot about Matlab.
281. Overall, well taught class.
282. It covered a lot of material that can be very useful to us as engineers. TA's were very knowledgeable and helpful when asked questions.
283. I learned about matlab which should help when I learn fortran. I also learned how to program other things for various classes.
284. the projects helped me understand the material the most
285. All the TA's were very helpful.
286. Online homeworks being due on a consistent basis really help me keep up with the material. Material is well organized in labs and builds on top of previous material.
287. The TA's were always helpful
288. The TAs are by the far the best part of this class. They are very helpful and take a lot time showing the class the details of the labs that aren't available in text.
289. I'm not sure really. I just think this stuff is fun.
290. Lectures were always helpful, especially when they ended 5-10 minutes early and we could ask questions on whatever we were working on.
291. Everything about it is good in its current format, I do think that some format changes should happen as far as testing and projects though.
292. The TA's were always really patient, and that helped. Especially in a class where I wasn't used to Matlab so much, it really helped that they were understanding of that.
293. Zyante was good. The material was useful.
294. a lot of good information, very informative,
295. Help sessions for the projects were very helpful
296. Lots of examples, along with quality T.A's
297. The hw and projects really helped me learn the best.
298. I like the in class examples, the help sessions and the fact that all the in class examples were all posted online.
299. The website explained what was expected of us well.
300. Again, great class. Felt like I've learned a lot. Homework and projects were of appropriate difficulty.
301. The organization and amount of material in the labs seemed to be very good.
302. The help sessions for the projects were lifesavers.
303. Each lab had a nice detailed page with examples and we got to work examples in class. This allowed the class to get accustomed to the procedure/method of working the problems.
304. The homework was good, and the second exam was how I think the exams should be. The first exam got messy real quick.
305. I liked how help was readily available from instructors and other sources.
306. The ability to ask questions.
307. The labs are done well.
308. Knowledgeable staff.
309. The TAs.
310. The projects provided the most hands-on experience.
311. Forcing us to learn on our own.
312. Looking back now, I kind of enjoyed doing our big projects. After I finish this class, I'll still have those awesome simulations and the knowledge on how to make them.
313. The course content is relevant, and different than most other class types. I think it is a good idea for students to have exposure to this type of stuff
314. The projects were enjoyable, and completing them were rewarding.
315. Helps with problem solving skills.
316. My understanding of Matlab has greatly expanded and the practice/projects/homeworks made is so that I felt comfortable using the processes that we learned.
317. Learning about MATLAB will be a valuable tool for future engineering projects.
318. The TA interactions and availability.
319. Flexible times for assignments. The EF program as a whole does this really well.
320. Although the material is difficult to learn within a 2 hour credit course, the help offered was the best thing about the class. Although it seems like everything needed to learn comes at you all at once, it seems you learn what is needed by the end of the course.
321. Help sessions and projects
322. I think that over all the class was well put together and covered more or less useful material.
323. the help sessions
324. The experience of learning how to code was interesting but a good one nonetheless.
325. The TA's were some of the best that I have had since being at college. Helpful, available, knowledgeable. They normally could help with almost every problem we asked them or were able to help us figure it out together. They answered emails in a timely manner and always willing to help. Both were easy to talk to and made class not the unbearable.

I wold grab/owe a beer with both. They both deserve good marks. Not sure what else a review can give them.

From your viewpoint, what was wrong with this class??
211. Heavy coursework
212. This class was limited by the fact that only one programming language is discussed.
213. Projects can be very complicated
214. There was a ton of projects that the students couldn't do themseleves and needed the TA's help on, and I don't find that I learn best that way.
215. I feel it could go a little more in depth with the examples and break down what is needed in detail so that we can get a better grasp of the material
216. More examples should be done individually
217. I think there should be labs that go a bit slower. There were some that I did not understand completely until the day before the exam.
218. The projects took a lot of time. I could sit and stare at the computer but not know how to continue the project unless pointed in the right direction from a TA. For this reason, when the help sessions were full it was hard to get anything done. Also, I felt that I had prepared for each test and did not do well on either of them. If there is any way you could make the tests more like the labs without making them obviously "copy and paste" easy I think it would be helpful.
219. The last few weeks of the class was really hectic. Two projects due back to back with an upcoming final was a little too stressful while maintaining other classes work load.
220. I think I would have liked having more time on projects. Like maybe if we had less projects and more time for each one.
221. If anything, I think a little more direction on some of the projects may be helpful. I think this would help reduce the need for so many help sessions. Perhaps a day in class could be spent going over what needs to be done and a very general idea of the steps we might take.
222. The projects were ridiculously hard. There was no way that we would be able to complete them without a large amount of help from TA's (who were busy helping everyone else, and therefor had no time to give to other students)
223. The exams at times (usually on the multiple choice) seemed to have questions that did not exactly line up with what we had learned up to that point in class. It seemed like there were subjects that were assumed to be understood (ex: formatting of fprintf modifiers for the first exam) that we had not covered in class.
224. Some of the projects are very time consuming. Additionally, the amount of time allowed for the last project is a bit on the short end.
225. I can't think of anything at the moment. Sorry.
226. The projects took a good bit of time to complete. Not the worst thing to ever happen, but a ton of people complain about it.
227. The projects take forever to do and for most of it we are not taught what we need. I can't follow wants happening in the class.
228. Other than what I stated earlier about the frequency and difficulty of the projects along with everything else in the class, I don't really see anything wrong with the class.
229. Though the TA's made good efforts, I felt that the instruction provided in class was not in line with the expected skill level. I would leave the class with a minimal, at best, understanding of the concepts and be expected to do a homework that often seemed much more complex and time intensive than what was explained in class. I understand that every college class requires work and preparation outside of class but I just mean to point out the large gap between class room instruction and the expected learning outcome.
230. Although the projects helped me learn a lot, I feel they were very difficult and also if there were to be coding on an exam, like the first exam, it would need to be easier.
231. not enough ta's
232. I dont feel I really learned as much as I could due to the amount of Matlab material. Feel like I still dont really understand matlab.
233. Too complicated projects
234. The TA's just don't teach as well as a professor. Not as prepared, not as skilled at explaining in a way for us to follow easily and understand. Just kind of breeze through the material.
235. Sometimes the projects would require us to do something which was not taught in class and this was frustrating.
236. There is too much information shoved into a semester. Most of us have only touched on MatLab (from EF 105) and have no idea how to use it (except for very simple calculations/commands). I'm not sure about other people, but I don't learn from watching the TAs copy the code from the website and run it. Do more explaining about what the code is doing (either more stepping through or using the board). I have not learned a lot, I've learned how to copy and paste.

Teach the TAs how to teach, half the time they are up there and they don't even know which example to do, or how to do it, and they skip over a lot of things saying "oh you should know how to do this"...well no I don't that's why I'm here. They are all very helpful one-on-one, but since that's hard to get during class time, make them more effective teachers to the class as a whole. Just because you're knowledgeable on the subject doesn't mean you know how to appropriately relay the information to a group of people who - most likely - have a lesser understanding of the subject matter.

I have never missed a lab and I feel I could have come to class half the time and learned just as much. Especially when the TAs just copy the examples on the lab (which I could do from my apartment if I have internet...).
237. Grasping the concept of a code fast
238. Too time consuming. Towards the end of the semester some of the homework that involved coding was difficult
239. The set up is odd and the projects are to vague. There should be more structured work and homework in the class so that students can learn.
240. The projects were not done by students solely.
241. Typing and trying to comprehend the concept
242. The projects where long. The class was a little fast.
243. Way too many projects. Seriously abusing the whole its a 2 hour class thing.
244. It was a two hour class and I wasn't expecting it to have such an insurmountable amount of work for material I was only one class into. The timing of the projects and tests were kinda horrendous on my schedule and often I would have trouble finishing my other work because I was so devoted to this class. The teachers were great, but there was just a little too much being thrown at the students at once for it to be considered a two hour class.
245. Too much material
246. Just entirely too much work for a 2 hour course
247. Nothing, learned mat-lab.
248. Projects were hard and lengthy.
249. We were not prepared for the first test.
250. The workload to credit hour ratio.
251. Takes a lot of time to do all the work, more than a 2 hr class is work, plus it can be very difficult to keep everything straight, for an intro class it seems to depend on the idea everyone knows some programming
252. I was not a huge fan of the tests. They were very difficult, and I did not have a lot of time.
253. I felt like the second project completely through me into the arena to fight a bull. I didn't really have the first clue how to start, so I would make that project a little less work or give the students tons of time. However, I will admit, I think these projects were the tasks that I learned the absolute most in this class. They were hard yet beneficial.
254. I think everything was rushed. There is no way everything we went over can be learned in only that time we went over it.
255. It is beyond easy to get lost in this class due to the rapid pace of the material.
256. In some labs were rushed through and hard to follow
257. Some of the projects seemed hard. Without the help sessions I wouldn't have been able to finish them.
258. Project 3 and 4 were too close together. I would probably like the class more if the focus was completely on projects.
259. Using Zyante did not help me learn any of the material.
260. The difficulty of the first test and some projects.
261. sometimes we didn't cover all of the information because there was a lot of it.
262. Examinations as a whole make it difficult to test a student's coding abilities.
263. Feels like it is still being formed. There isnt a set way of doing things yet.
264. the projects seemed to be a little too demanding and required more knowledge than what we possess
265. There needs to be closer relationship to what we learn in class and the actual project materials. This would help the students learn the material for the project.
266. I think it would be more interesting and engaging if their were a project that grouped students by major, and students used Matlab for a direct application of their major.
267. Too much work for a 2 hour class
268. A lot. Homework was very difficult towards the end of the semester. Exams were extremely difficult. Impossible to get help on projects.
269. The projects demanded too much effort and time.
270. I didn't think the notes were thorough enough but then again that may just be because more is expected of me by this point.
271. I can't think of anything wrong.
272. The holes in utilizing certain things in Matlab when concerning individual understanding or not wanting to simply mirror what GA's do when solving problems.
273. Amount/difficulty of projects. A large amount of material on projects were commands we had barely, if at all, gone over.
274. This required far more work than any two-hour course should ever require. Completely misleading when signing up for this class. This course demanded more of my time than any of my other courses this semester, including my four-hour classes. Completely unnecessary to say the least.
275. Too much work for a two hour credit class.
276. At some points not very descriptive or in-depth enough
277. Schleter could have made things easier *cough cough project 1*
278. I think a better introduction to MATLAB and how to use it properly would have been nice. Also, making sure that all sections were thoroughly covered would be important. I felt like some sections were not explained as well as others and thus, I had issues with homework pertaining to those sections.
279. I think the ta's should give a more in depth coverage of individual function inputs.
280. I hate Matlab. Other than that, the class was well taught and structured.
281. A little dry at times but that's programming.
282. This class tries to cover and make students responsible for an unreasonable amount of material with the given class time and resources. I understand Matlab requires much practice and has a sharp learning curve, but with the given class examples and few practices and homeworks, the expectations of this class, specifically in projects, were far and above anything we were remotely prepared for. The TA's are great, but they can only cover so much material in so much detail, and they can only be available for so much help outside of class. It is unfair to them to have help sessions packed full of students with questions. Personally, I felt unwilling to ask questions because my questions pertained to a much more basic lack of knowledge in understanding Matlab rather than project-specific questions.
283. Nothing was really wrong.
284. conceptually very harder material tested than what was taught
285. Nothing was too wrong. Projects were hard but you just had to put in the time to do them. I would have liked a better grade but overall good.
286. Class size was too large, which cut down on individual attention. It was also a lot of work (especially the difficulty of the projects) for a 2 hour class.
287. Lectures are complex and its hard to pay attention
288. If it wasn't for all the programming I would like the class more. I don't like programming.
289. Not too much. There were a few times I feel like that we weren't supposed to be able to finish the homework until after the following lecture, but no one would say anything about that, so I would get semi-frustrated trying to learn something we didn't even mention that day.
290. The majority of the projects were whether you could attend the help sessions or not. For people that are taking a full course load, working, and other extracurricular activities the sessions were almost impossible to make it to.
291. Nothing as far as the class is taught, as far as the testing and stuff like that I think there could be some changes but the class is run very well.
292. I worked hard on the projects, but the exams brought down my grade, and that is pretty frustrating. I appreciated the re-work option on the first test, but I wish there was something like that for the second test.
293. The projects became pretty hectic. I don't think they were too difficult, though it seemed that every student needed much 1-on-1 assistance to complete them.
294. maybe the projects take up too much time, some parts of the tests were confusing
295. N/A
296. The website doesn't give a lot of info on how to use some of the commands. The test almost always asks questions about a command that isn't given on the ef230 website.
297. The projects are very difficult to complete alone. I felt that some of our project due dates were rushed.
298. I think the projects could have been better. I just feel they did not build my skills effectively. I often got stuck and wasted a lot of time trying to figure out where I was going wrong. I understand the need to struggle a little. But I felt I would just spend hours not accomplishing anything.
299. As I said earlier, the professor interaction could definitely be improved. I know the professors are busy, but this is a very challenging course. I'm also not sure if it will help me much as an Industrial major. Could be made a bit easier.
300. First exam was rough and I studied what I felt like was an appropriate amount of time.
301. The homeworks sometimes were harder than the material that we covered in class, and it was hard to figure out what to do in some cases. Sometimes, the instructors would just skim over the material in the lab, making it hard to understand how to do the homework for that lab.
302. Four projects seems a bit much for a two-hour class. That's really my only complaint.
303. I think the weighing of the homework could be adjusted differently. The second part of the homeworks were weighed a lot higher, which could discourage some students that couldn't get the right answer and had everything else completed.
304. The things that were wrong, were fixed throughout the semester.
305. I thought some of the projects were a bit difficult, however the amount of help available did offset some of the difficulty.
306. Nothing
307. The work projects are way too hard.
308. Too much work for a two hour class(feels more like a four hour class).
309. Grading on projects.
310. The homeworks led me towards trial and error more than I had to figure anything out.
311. Lectures are pretty vague and the projects are extremely difficult.
312. Nothing really wrong with this class. I would say it's definitely not an easy class.
313. Some students like to learn at their own pace, which the class format inhibits
314. During the help seesions, the TA's would spend about 30 minutes answering a question while a lot of the other students had hands raised for long periods of time.
315. The structure and the workload.
316. It really should be a regular credit hours class. I'm sure I spent as much time on this class as I did on any of my 3 or 4 hour classes. Sometimes just following along in lecture didn't help very much.
317. There was way to much information presented in each class. Much of what was listed in the lab was skipped over.
318. Zyante
319. Zyante was a core problem. There was no interaction with the instructors involved. We were on our own and the rhetoric is extremely confusing at times.
320. Trying to learn an entire programming language within a semester of a 2 hour credit class.
321. Too many detailed projects outside of class that required way too much time.
322. The way the class is formed, there is not a large incentive to stay on task, but that just increases your work load later so its not that big of a deal.
323. starting with zyante
324. I think that the deadlines could be extended just a little bit more.
325. The structure of how ou have one person talk while the other types is a little boring. I know it is hard to do any other way, but even once every month or two changing it up would be nice for those who are there listening and just copying what is typed.

I am mixed on Zyante. I mean it really was next to worthless. But the additional points and extra credit was nice. The only thing is you can just reveal the answers, then enter them in and resubmit them for full credit. This is a mini loop hole that I am unsure you might be aware of. I would not pay a dime for the program unless I needed to learn matlab for a job.

The GUIDE or GUI part of MATLAB final should have been explained more in class. We spent maybe part of a day on it, and that was just the basics of what we can do with it. We really weren't taught how to connect the GUI code auto created to our own code or what we wanted to do with it. This caused issues with the final. Spending more time on GUI's interaction with the code would have been very beneficial.

Make at least one constructive suggestion on how this class might be improved.
'Free food' or 'Cancel the class' are not constructive.
211. Less intensive projects or less homework-this class took up more time than some 4 hour classes.
212. This class could greatly benefit by the introduction and discussion of other programming languages.
213. perhaps ass sessions of going over homework problems.
214. I like the numerical homework problems and find that I learn really well that way with something I can work through by myself, so maybe more of those with less projects.
215. Have more people to help with help sessions. It's hard getting help when only one or two T.A.s are present and there are thirty people who have problems to try and straighten out.
216. Projects shouldn't be due on Sunday nights. If they are, then we cant ask questions and get reasonable help over the weekend, when most of us are working on it.
217. quite honestly, I think this class is good the way it is right now. I would say that I think some labs were hard to understand, but I guess that's because of my difficulty using Matlab.Other than that, it was a good class.
218. I would say more help sessions at different times. I know I have practice 5:00 to 7:00 Monday through Thursday, so getting to the help sessions was sometimes difficult. The 3:30 time worked well with my schedule though. It just seemed like a lot all at once towards the end, kind of piling up.
219. Spend more time on examples. I know for me I learn more off examples than learning from a textbook format.
220. More "in class, on your own examples" where we learned something and the TA's let us try to do it on our own to understand it. I really enjoyed that and thought it was helpful so I think more of that would be good!
221. I would recommend that either Zyante or a textbook be used to help solidify the materials with more examples. I think that the examples in class are good, but a larger database of examples would have helped me learn the material a little better.
222. Either make the projects able to be solved without extensive help from TA's, or get more TA's to answer the multitude of questions
223. A paper reference, in the form of a textbook or other resource we can keep after the course is over, would help a lot.
224. Allowing electronic notes as well as written notes on tests would be helpful.
225. The video for the polygon morphing project was very helpful. More videos to explain concepts would be helpful to go back to.
226. I started to show up 10 minutes into class when previously I had been early, but was getting frustrated with the time it took to actually begin the class.
227. I wish the size of the class was smaller and the help sessions there was more TAs to help.
228. On some occasions the TA's would go over what would be used on the homework for that lab, but other times they would not and something that doesn't look anything like what we did in class would be on the homeworks. I would just say to make sure that the concepts that are going to be on the homeworks are covered in the lab that day.
229. I feel that the best way to improve this class would be to have a working database of example problems/ codes that are exactly applicable to hw and projects. By this i mean, provide a couple of codes that are exactly what a hw or project should look like, so that way atleast the student can see exaclty what it should look like and how it should run. This would greatly help people like me, that rarely even know how to start or barely have a conceptual idea of what is expected. I have often felt lost in this class due to the lack of example codes... while the codes provided may be similar or applicable, it was usually too difficult for me to relate them to whatever problem I was trying to solve.
230. I would recommend one of the projects being a group or partner project, simply to mix things up and have some fun, and more parts could be added.
231. more examples
232. Slow down the pace of the class
233. Schedule one on one help sessions
234. TA's could make the class more interesting and explain the thought process behind writing code better. Matlab is basically a new language, and I think it comes fairly easy to the TA's, but it's not that logical for many people.
235. When you offer a help session actually have enough people there to make it worth peoples time to show up.
236. Make the class more credit hours and either make it 3 days a week, have smaller class sizes or more TAs so students get more one-on-one attention. It is hard to get a question answered when there are 2 TAs to about 25-30 students.

It was helpful when we looked at code and had to figure out why we had an error. It was another way of understanding how the command/code/functions worked.

Teach the "theory" behind some of the commands and explain how they are working (I think that would help people understand what they're doing when writing code). Some people can learn from just seeing it on the screen, but others need to know what is going on to understand what a command does.

It might be helpful to have tests more frequently, or to have weekly quizzes of some sort, or even make the "in-class assignments" worth something (because half of the class just sits there and does something else instead of trying to do the assignment).

I think it would also be helpful to do simple and difficult examples in class. I understand the homework and tests should be a little harder so we can stretch our thinking, but when we only do really easy examples, it's sometimes hard to relate that to a different,harder problem.

Hold help sessions for homework and studying for exams instead of just for projects.
237. Make the homework answers easy to navigate. Used outside sources because didn't think answers were available on the website/labs.
238. More time focusing on talking about why the code works and explaining it. I felt like mostly during class I was just copying what they did and figuring out why it worked later.
239. There shouldn't be required attendance to class because class currently does not even help. There should be more interactive things in class. Maybe more Zyante or things that are similar.
240. Spend a little more time on examples and make people ask questions.
241. Slower paste
242. Go a little slower in class when going over examples.
243. Reduce the projects, everyone wins. Happy students, more time teaching.
244. Limit how dense the workload is and revise the project and test scheduling!!!
245. Going over the previous material in the next class.
246. I think that either there needs to be only 3 projects or that the 4 projects need to be more simple.
247. More detail during labs that reflect homework problems.
248. More help during the help sessions.
249. Perhaps make a webform at the beginning of the semester asking students what kind of project they want to make. If it is feasible, use one of those for the 4 labs.
250. Either increase the number of credit hours received for the course, or decrease the amount of work assigned.
251. Perhaps help sessions every week at some time for people to come in and get homework help, if the class must go at the pace it goes and must take so much time, help sessions each week would ease some of the burden
252. The class could be improved by having a couple real life problems to solve in class examples.
253. I got the most confused from the beginning with sub-functions (not so much loops). I think that you should put a project with a punch of function at least before you give the first test. I would have done fine on the first test, if I had gotten to work a project like our Polygon Morphing Project beforehand.
254. I think if on some of the things we took more time over the certain subject it would be good and also sometimes the homework was really difficult.
255. I honestly believe that making the Zyante material required would have helped me tremendously.
256. review sessions before exams
257. I wish the projects we did, were something we could use in other classes, i.e. programs for Thermo or System Dynamics.
258. More focus on: Projects
Numeric homework

Less focus on: Multiple choice homework
Timed Exams
259. I feel that providing help sessions periodically throughout the semester rather than just the the week before the projects are due would help disperse the overwhelming number of students at the help sessions.
260. Possibly go more in-depth on certain parts. I feel as though we skipped over certain things that actually turned out to be pretty useful
261. the change from the first test was great. i feel like the last and second to last project was rushed though
262. My suggestion is that the regular exams be removed and replaced with intensive projects that encompass the material learned up until that point. A final examination should be kept.
263. in class work on what we learn that day. everyday.
264. Try to give more fair projects
265. This class should be changed to 3 hours if the work load is this much.
266. I think it's important to emphasize "pseudo-code" at the very beginning of the class and actually make students write pseudo-code. Writing my thoughts and processes down have really helped me form a solution to a given problem, and then from there, I can form questions to ask to TA's instead of just saying, "I have no idea how to start this."
267. I think it was an awful lot of work for a two hour class. We are in class for the same amount of time and have more projects than a 2 hour class would require. Make it a 3 hour or lose some of the projects.
269. Make the projects somewhat simpler. When no one understands whats going on it doesn't seem productive.
270. More thorough notes, in my opinion-- defining functions and how to use them on the lab rather than just an example.
271. This class might be improved by having optional homework for people who want to learn more or aren't getting enough information from the regular homework problems.
272. Less topics, and maybe more than one day spent on the more important things we will be using. i.e interpolation, functions, etc.
273. Up to a 3 hour credit class if there are going to be 4 demanding projects and that amount of homework.
274. Shorten the projects. There's no point in making projects require so much of a student's time for a two-hour course. The exams were fine in both length and format, in my opinion.
275. Have three projects and three tests but put the emphasis on the projects. I feel that the projects are a better learning tool than anything else in the class.
276. More time spent working with matlab
277. allow for more time at the end of class for homework/homework help
278. Like I said, having a better introduction to MATLAB would have been nice. That or making sure each section, or lab, is thoroughly explained.
279. Final project is tough!
280. The projects are extremely difficult and impossible to do without the aide of the TA's. In the past month, I've spent more time working out of class on this two hour course than I have for any of my other courses. Physics even has a lab.
281. Maybe break down certain concepts more and explain in greater detail.
282. Encourage the TA's to add more in-line commenting to the posted in-class examples. These comments can be extremely helpful in understanding how the coding works the way it does and how to use that knowledge for independent practices and homework. Also maybe consider slowing the pace down and the beginning, especially with functions, so students aren't as likely to be so lost when they are expected to apply use of functions for projects and tests.
283. I felt like we should have been given more time for the tests or less work to do on the tests because the tests were extremely hard to finish in the given time span. I also would have liked more time notice on the final project because I knew I was not going to do anything over Easter break and I have tests and finals this week that will take up time.However, I felt allowing us to rework our first test on our own time was very beneficial so that makes up for all of the test heartache.

I do not like the fact that there is not a rubric for every project. How am I supposed to know what you are counting off for or exactly what I need so I can have a checklist. I feel like the steps to do it are okay but I need a rubric before hand to properly do the project they way you all want it.
284. test on material more along the lines of what was taught
285. I feel Zyante could be very helpful to students at the beginning of the semester. At the beginning of Zyante, I was learning a lot but it was taking way too long. If there is a way to use Zyante to help teach the students it would be great.
286. Cut down the size of the class, maybe cut down less material that we are likely to not use later to focus more on recurring concepets
287. All of the projects relied on how much the TA's helped. The first test was way too hard.
288. More Zyante. It was nice having text to reference in addition to the website.
289. I thought it was pretty well done all together. The project work at the end of class was nice, but it would've been better if there wasn't homework quizzes to do too. My personal opinion is that there were a lot of grades too. There were originally going to be 4 exams, 4 projects, quizzes, and attendance? I know we got rid of an exam, but maybe one less project and make the quizzes worth more too would be better.
290. Spend a lot more time on Simulink. It would be very beneficial for us in future classes.
291. In my opinion, tests should only be multiple choice. It should be conceptual based questions only. I need time to write code, even if it is simple. I really do have to think about it in a linear fashion which is a little different for me. That is why I think that projects should be where the coding is graded and tests are only conceptual.
292. The help sessions were extremely helpful, but maybe there could be more than one TA a session? It would often take about 45 mins for a TA to come see me.
293. More ways to insure that students understand the basics before moving into heavy projects.
294. a better discussion board
295. More engagement in class could be constructive.
296. We are often graded on aspects of our projects which are not listed in the project requirements. It would be nice if the project requirements were more detailed if you are going to grade very strictly. It feels as if I have to guess what you want my project to look like rather than being specific in the project description. Also, I feel as if cosmetics carry more weight to your grading, rather than a well running program.
297. Upgrade to apple computers
298. I think the class should involve more programming by the students on their own. I think multiple smaller projects or homework that involved programming should be assigned more often. I feel this would have given me a chance to build my skills.
299. Could be made easier, could involve more professor interavtion and explanation.
Overall it was a decent class, however I am not very naturally savvy as far as computer coding.
300. One part of matlab that is extremely important was how variables are saved in different classes (like char,double,logical). I felt like this was not covered as well as it should have been in the very beginning of semester. Zyante covers it extensively but it gets confusing because they were covered all at once and few applied examples.
301. Sometimes, the instructors would just use the matlab files that were already on the website. When they did this, it seemed like they wouldn't explain the coding as well as when they typed it all out.
302. It would have been even more helpful if two TA's could have been at each help session--saves everyone a lot of time, in my opinion.
As I said before, if Professor Schleter could have been around more I think the material would have been presented more clearly.
303. Make all exams the format of the 2nd exam. Work the projects in class more, a series of steps would help the students more.
304. Find a way for us to be able to work an example in class. We only had time to be walked through everything and shown how it all worked by the TAs. After they walk us through it all, there could be a class example to were we all worked cohesively to make the code or something.
305. I think it would be good to have TA's roaming throughout the classroom during instruction so you can get individual clarification on the material without disrupting the entire lab.
306. My one suggestion would be to reformat the tests a little to be less about syntax and more about knowing the language. This may just be a personal opinion but i don't believe that memorization means that one understands the material.
307. Use Zyante more.
308. Tests could be weighted a little less, and the projects could be weighted more.
There could be more help sessions with a better organized approach to getting help to those who need it.
309. Be more specific on the project guidelines.
310. Instead of the current homework assignments maybe consider mini-projects relating to the lab.
311. Since this class is only two credit hours, I would give less homework and projects. Also, make the projects easier. If not, give more detailed lectures on what we are supposed to know in order to complete the projects.
312. I like zyante, but I think I liked the EF 230's homeworks better.
313. Blackboard offers several helpful features like announcement emails and an app for phones that make it easier to keep track of things as a student. Posting announcements and grades to blackboard could be helpful to some
314. When a MATLAB script is turned in at the online dropbox and graded, especially projects, it would be nice if the grader added a bit of comment at the end of the script about what lines are responsible for getting points taken off the final score.
315. Since this is an introductory class to Matlab that is required for most engineers, the pace of the class should be slower and the difficulty shouldn't be as hard.
316. The more one on one interaction with the TAs, the better. It can be hard to figure out what your problem is when you can't show the TA because everyone's code has similar but different kinds of bugs.

The more available outside help during project and test time, the better. There were things I didn't even realize that I didn't understand until I went to a pre-test help session.

Also it would be worth considering making this a 3 hour class.
317. For a 2 credit hour course the project requirements are too stringent. Each project required going to several help sessions to complete because the project requirements exceeded what we were taught in class. Consider having projects focus more on what is taught in class.
318. Don't use Zyante. It is not productive. It is informative, but takes far too long to do what a lab can do in half the time.
319. Rewrite all the confusing things. Stick to words that are easy to follow, this is an intermediate level class but there is a ton of information. Maybe extend the class time? Break down the information more. Add variety in questions (concept questions about the topic is just as important as the code). And please re do the whole functions section. Functions are the backbone of this class I now realize, but there is only one section and no reminders. This is a very important topic used literally in every single session but it is only touched on in one week. Good luck.
320. During help sessions have more than one person, if possible.
321. More small projects for homework assignments and maybe one "big" project. I would rather complete a couple of homework assignments a week like the ones towards the end of the semester than have 4 time-consuming projects.
322. Im not sure how useful and necessary the material on sound was (if you are making a game or something why would you ever pick matlab?), but if you do find it important, I suggest a bit more time be spent on it as it is likely the hardest material covered.
323. By having more in class help for the project like we did at the end.
324. The class become a little more interactive. That would help a ton with learning.
325. Warn about the amount of time that the projects will take and that the due dates might fall during midterms. Also have help sessions every week even if it is 1-2 times a week for the first weeks the project is assigned then one week of heavy help sessions as the project approaches.

Never give two programming questions on the same test. That was a shit show and everyone performed poorly.

Thanks for the semester. Hope to see you guys again.